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The required audit certificate(s) is(are) attached to this Financial Statement. 8- Contractor s Certificate We certify that: - the costs declared above are directly related to the resources used to reach the objectives of the project ; - the receipts declared above are directly related to the resources used to reach the objectives of the project ; - the costs declared above fall within the definition of eligible costs specified in Articles II.19, II.20, II.21, II.22 and II.25 of the contract, and, if relevant, in Annex III and Article 9 (special clauses) of the contract ; - the receipts declared above fall within the definition of receipts specified in Article II.23 of the contract ; - the interest generated by the pre-financing declared above falls within the definition of Article II.27 of the contract ; - the necessary adjustments, especially to costs reported in previous Financial Statement(s) per Activity, have been incorporated in the above Statement ; - the above information declared is complete and true ; - there is full supporting documentation to justify the information hereby declared. It will be made available at the request of the Commission and in the event of an audit by the Commission and/or by the Court of Auditors and/or their authorised representatives.Summary Financial ReportType of InstrumentIP Contract NReporting period numberFrom (dd/mm/yyyy)To (dd/mm/yyyy)Page1/1 Contractor nOrganisation Short NameEligible costs (in )Type of activities,Total eligible costs (F)=(A)+(B)+(C)+(D)+(E)ReceiptsDemonstration (B) Training (C) Management of the consortium (D)Direct eligible costs0of which direct eligible costs of subcontractingIndirect eligible costs Adjustment on previous period(s)Total eligible costs?Amount of the financial interests generated by the prefinancingType of instrumentProject Title (or Acronym) Contract nContractor s Legal Name Legal TypeContact Person TelephoneTelecopyE-mailCost model used Period fromTo 1- Resources (Third party(ies)) 0If Yes, please provide the following informationThird Party 1 (Y1)Third Party 2 (Y2)Third Party 3 (Y3)Third Party 4 (Y4)Type of Activity ContractorThird Party(ies) Direct costsOf which subcontractingIndirect costs Total costsTotal receiptsiDid the pre-financing (advance) you received by the Commission for this period earn interests? (Yes / No)(If yes, please mention the amount (in )/5- Request of FP6 Financial contribution (in )]For this period, the FP6 Community financial contribution requested is equal to (amount in )6- Audit certificatesAccording to the contract, does this Financial Statement need an audit certificate (or several in case of Third party(ies)) delivered by independent auditor(s)? (Yes / No)jIf Yes, does this(those) audit certificate(s) cover only this Financial Statement per Activity? (Yes / No) From  To'Audit certificate of the contractor (X)Legal name of the audit firm@Audit certificate(s) of the third party(ies) (Ys) (if necessary)Total (Z) = (X) + (Ys)Third Party(ies) (if necessary)Contractor s StampDate Signature8Research and Technological Development / Innovation (A) Demonstration (B) Training (C) !Management of the Consortium (D) +Name of the Person responsible of the work .Name of the duly authorised Financial Officer 5Cost model used (AC//FC or FCF)Third Party 1 (Y1) Legal NameThird Party 2 (Y2) Legal NameThird Party 3 (Y3) Legal NameThird Party 4 (Y4) Legal NameKIf No, what is the periodicity covered by this(those) audit certificate(s)? Y1: Legal name of the audit firm Y2: Legal name of the audit firm Y3: Legal name of the audit firm Y4: Legal name of the audit firm7- Conversion rate of the Date of incurred actual costs?o- Conversion rate of the first day of the first month following the period covered by this Financial Statement?Type of Action (if necessary) OIndirect costs(Real or Flat Rate of 20% of Direct costs, except subcontracting)!Total (F) = (A)+(B)+(C)+(D)+(E)   Total (F) = (A)+(B)+(C)+(D)+(E)   7-Conversion rates Costs incurred in currencies other than EURO shall be reported in EURO. Please mention the conversion rate used (only one choice is possible)  Please note that the same principle applies for receipts.TForm C - Model of Financial Statement per Activity (to be filled by each contractor)3ACFCFCF CostModelAre there any resources made available on the basis of a prior agreement with third parties identified in Annex I of the contract? (Yes / No)] 2- Declaration of eligible costs (in ) Please complete only the activity covered by the relevant instrument (and type of action) indicated above and as mentioned in Article II.25 and/or in Annexes I and III of the contract. If you are a contractor using the additional cost model (AC): - indicate only your additional eligible costs, except for Management of the Consortium Activity for which you may indicate your full eligible costs; - do not declare eligible direct ad<{ditional costs specifically covered by contributions from third parties as mentioned in Articles II.20 and II.23.a and b of the contract. If you are a contractor using a full cost model (FC/FCF), indicate your full eligible costs. The costs declared should distinguish between direct and indirect costs. If necessary, adjustments to previous period(s) may be included where appropriate. ( \E 3- Declaration of receipts (in ) If you are a contractor using the additional cost model (AC), indicate only receipts covered by Article II.23.c of the contract. If you are a contractor using a full cost model (FC/FCF), indicate receipts covered by Article II.23 of the contract. If a receipt is not allocated to an activity!" LegalTypeInstrumentTypeIntegrated ProjectNetwork of ExcellenceNoESpecific Targeted ProjectSTRePCoordination ActionCASpecific Support ActionSSAPhysical Person Non-profitNon-CommercialInternational OrganisationsSMEOtherReal indirect cost?Flat rate (up to 20% of direct costs, excluding subcontracting)YES/NOYesNo9Research and Techno- logical Development / Innovation (A)Third party(ies)EC contribution RequestedMaximum Flat rateg Maximum calculated EC contribution for the reporting period (in ) without taking into account receiptsC$Q s Maximum calculated EC contribution for the reporting period (in ) taking into account receipts [=Periodic Invoice]C'I9Requested EC contribution for the reporting period (in ) Max costs Version 1.1tJ WB X X ZZ0U[[y_`Ba|b+fn5Doo4pcc  #D  dMbP?_*+%&'()M\\bxl-print\HP LaserJet 4300 PS o2XXLetterPRIV0'''' \KhC IUPHdLetter [none] [none]Arial6P d?ADMINISTRATOR  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012456789:;<=>?@ABDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxz{|}~@2iwHH?HH?HH HH3 M  '  LLLLL M   3ww*Y* ]| 5$ II@IIAIIAII3II6 N   N   6xx<<< ]| 2$ HH>HHBHHBHH7HH3 M   M   3xx*** ]| 2$ HH>HHBHHBHH7HH3 M   M   3xx*** \} 2'J D D D 'JD D D  >' J D D D ' JD D D  C' JD D D 'JD D D C'JD D D 'JD D D 8'JD D D 'JD D D 3M M 3yy*** *** Z"[[[[[[[[[[[Z[[ 99 DK.%=Total eligible costs%@@BYDK.%=Total eligible costs%@@BY SdD D K.%=Total eligible costs% @ @BYD K .%=Total eligible costs% @ @BY DD K .%=Total eligible costs% @ @BYDK .%=Total eligible costs%@@BYDDK.%=Total eligible costs%@@BYDK.%=Total eligible costs%@@BY:DK.%=Total eligible costs%@@BYDK.%=Total eligible costs%@@BY3DM.%=Total eligible costs%@@BYDM.%=Total eligible costs%@@BYEO /%=Direct eligible costs%@@BYEO/%=Direct eligible costs%@@BYE/%=Direct eligible costs%@@BYE/%=Direct eligible costs%@@BY!r  DD s? ! r D D   sE ! r D D sE!r DD s;!r DDs!p DDq! 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LCYes  VIf No, you are not allowed to enter the amount. A positive amount should be introduced cGYes cF@ B$:22  :If No, you are not allowed to enter any audit certificate. moC Yes n==== ?B ?B PThe signature date should be higher than the ending date of the reporting period =C9C B^^  PThe signature date should be higher than the ending date of the reporting period =CC B^^ Sheet1ll99 ggD  2    dMbP?_*+%M\\bxl-print\HP LaserJet 4300 PS odXXLetterPRIV0'''' \KhC IUPHdLetter [none] [none]Arial6P d?ADMINISTRATORUNTITLED_Destination" dXX??U} m } m5} } $} $ c g h z ` y r  i { a x s k j | b y t m l u o n v q p wx8TTF**>@7 Sheet3ggD      dMbP?_*+%"??U(>@7 Sheet2ggD VBA{qההModule1_ThisWorkbook  Sheet1 3   B     0@ "HPX`hpx    : ,H x   D > >  @X  :  :  B  6`  :  2  :  6P  B  N  J  `p  p  |@   n@ j d  J l dH | J0 F f b0       0    "FF Vhpp0(0 8HP0X         2   $  H$P$x$\`(`\XHT (8 @ Xhp 2   $    0 8HP "X`hpx      F : HX`    P$6(2` 04$ H` hp x  "   $@ X  p   $(   " H X $x      & ! 0! P! 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