Post doctoral and Ph.D. student positions in Chronobiology
Date: Tuesday, June 26 @ 14:37:32 CEST Topic: Vacancies
Post doctoral and Ph.D. student positions in Chronobiology University of Groningen, FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCES Molecular clock mechanisms: circadian rhythms in C. elegans and N. crassa The Biological Centre of the University of Groningen has vacancies in the de- partment of Chronoiology. The aim of research is to discover molecular mechanisms of the circadian (daily) clock in the powerful genetic model sys- tems, C. elegans and N. crassa. The circadian clock regulates gene expres- sion, metabolism, and behaviour and the position therefore offers a broad training experience, with projects that encompass levels from genome to phenome. Applicants should enjoy working in a team, in a communicative, collegial en- vironment, but should also be capable of independent work. The lab is em- bedded in the Department of Chronobiology, a group of international re- searchers and students with expertise from modeling to behaviour to mo- lecular clock genetics. We are situated in the large and multi-disciplinary Bio- logical Centre of the University, 6 km outside of the city centre. The position is funded by a VICI grant from the NWO, with salary and benefits commensu- rate with the national scale. Our students are participants in the graduate school "Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences" (BCN), offering a full array of training opportunities, from course work to language training. Applicants who have experience with N. crassa, C. elegans, S. cerevisisae or molecular genetics will be given priority, as will those with a strong record and recommendations. You should be fluent in the English language. Your application should consist of a letter of introduction, explaining your motiva- tion, and a c.v. including names and contact information for three referees. Send inquiries and applications to: Martha Merrow [email protected] Closing date: 20 July 2023