Alcohol abuse is addictive and is comparable to drugs


The damage of alcohol is not only for the brain, but for many other organs: it is a risk factor for many cancers (liver, oral cavity, throat, etc.), the organ most affected is the liver, but it is affected by toxic effect of alcohol also on the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. In addition, alcohol abusers are more prone to hypertension, stroke and heart disease. Alcoholism causes malnutrition, but also changes in sexuality, decreased libido, infertility and impotence, obesity.

Ten good reasons not to abuse alcohol:

  • Alcohol is carcinogenic and creates organ damage such as liver cirrhosis;
  • It weakens the immune system and makes it more susceptible to infections;
  • Reduces the absorption of vitamins A, D and E;
  • Causes malnutrition and changes in body weight;
  • It modifies the production of hormones, has a negative effect on fertility and does not promote sexual performance;
  • During pregnancy it can create problems for the fetus and the unborn child;

It can interfere with current drug therapies

  1. It alters cognitive functions and is a risk factor for cognitive impairment;
  2. It alters attention, reduces reaction times and causes drowsiness, which is why alcohol should not be taken when driving.

Alcohol abuse, which consequences on the liver. A drug without side effects revolutionizes the treatment

The guidelines on the main negative effects of alcohol consumption of AISF on Digestive and Liver Disease commented by prof. Giovanni Addolorato, Associate of Gastroenterology, Catholic University of Rome, and Director of UOSD Internal Medicine and Alcohol-Related Pathologies, Agostino Gemelli IRCCS University Hospital Foundation, among the authors of the publication

Rome, 25 May 2023 - Alcohol disorders, ranging from abuse to alcohol dependence, represent one of the main risk factors for premature mortality in Europe and are responsible for over 200 pathologies from psychiatric ones, to chronic diseases, to tumors, accidents. But not only.

Alcohol abuse is the most frequent cause of liver disease in the Western world, embracing its entire repertoire from steatosis (fatty liver), steatohepatitis (inflamed fatty liver), fibrosis (‘scarring’ of the liver), cirrhosis ( liver replaced by fibrotic-scar tissue and no longer functioning), to cancer.

  1. At the moment alcohol is the most frequent cause of liver cirrhosis in the Western world (over 60% of the total), due to the reduction of liver disease from virus C (due to new antiviral drugs) on the one hand and the increasing abuse of drinks alcoholic on the other.
  2. Alcohol, young people and the 'high'The Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF) has recently published practical guidelines on the subject in Digestive and Liver Disease, which include all the latest news in the clinical and research fields.

We talked about it with the first author, prof. Giovanni Addolorato, Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, Catholic University of Rome, UOSD Director of Internal Medicine and Alcohol-Related Pathologies, Foundation of the Agostino Gemelli University Hospital IRCCS.

Alcohol, young people and the ‘high’

“Just talking about ‘alcohol abuse’ in boys - explains prof. Sorrowful - it is an oxymoron, an absurdity. Not only must children not ‘abuse’, but they must not really get close to alcohol because they are unable to metabolize it (the enzymatic systems responsible for this are immature at least until the age of 18).

Unfortunately, in recent years we have borrowed from the countries of Northern Europe a habit, a very dangerous way of drinking alcohol: the so-called binge drinking “.


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