The harm induced by alcohol (and other psychoactive substances) will be discussed during the next episode of “L’Ora della Salute”, broadcast on Sunday 14 April on La 7 (11 am). The focus - in line with what the Umberto Veronesi Foundation is doing with the “Io Vivo Sano Addenze” project in Italian schools - will be above all the relationship of young people with these substances. ”

We will try to explain that children are unable to metabolize alcohol - anticipates Emanuele Scafato, director of the National Alcohol Observatory of the Higher Institute of Health and blogger of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation -.

As such, therefore, ethanol reaches the brain and dissolves the lipids present in the membrane of neurons. The brain damage, at that point, is irreversible ».

To make greater the pitfalls for the organ

“In one out of three boys who binge on alcohol at the weekend, traces of other drugs are detectable - adds Carlo Locatelli, head of the poison control center of the Maugeri Foundation in Pavia: also a guest of the program conducted by Annalisa Manduca -. This contributes to making the consequences worse, primarily for brain development.

The web has facilitated the purchase of these substances, many of which are more powerful than in the past ».

The transmission will be enriched by two testimonies: those of Giorgia Benusiglio (forced to undergo a liver transplant after having ingested an ecstasy tablet) and Antonio Marra (father of the twenty-year-old Nicola, who died a year ago in Positano after a night spent in dance club).

  • Press release
  • The use and abuse of alcohol in Italy
  • Listen to this page using ReadSpeaker

In 2012, 66.6% of the population aged 14 and over consumed at least one alcoholic beverage in the year. This share is stable compared to the previous year and down compared to 10 years earlier (70.2%).

From 2002 to 2012 the number of daily consumers of alcoholic beverages decreased by 24.6%, especially among women (-32.6%).The share of those who declare they drink alcohol between meals increases (from 23.1% in 2002 to 26.9% in 2012) and of those who consume it occasionally (from 35.8% in 2002 to 42.2% in 2012) .

Change the type of drinks consumed

The share of those who consume only wine and beer decreases and that of those who also drink alcoholic aperitifs, bitters and spirits increases.

In 2012, 64.6% of the population aged 11 and over consumed at least one alcoholic beverage in the year. Of these, 51.9% drink wine, 45.8% beer and 40.5% alcoholic aperitifs, bitters, spirits or liqueurs; consumes wine every day 21.5% and beer 4.1%.

Change the type of drinks consumedOverall, risk behaviors in alcohol consumption (non-moderate daily consumption, binge drinking, alcohol consumption by 11-15 year olds) concern 7 million and 464 thousand people.

The downward trend of consumers at risk already observed in the previous year continues. Compared to 2011, both the share of non-moderate daily alcohol consumers (from 8.4% to 7.5%) and that of binge drinking habitués (from 7.5% to 6.9%) decreased. The reduction is observed among men, who go from 13.6% to 12.2% for non-moderate daily consumption and from 12.2% to 11.1% for binge drinking.

  • More frequent risk behaviors are observed among the over 65 (40.7% of men versus 10.1% of women), young people aged 18-24 (21.0% of males and 9.5% of females) and adolescents aged 11-17 (12.4% of males and 8.4% of females).
  • The population most at risk for binge drinking is the youth (18-24 years): 14.8% of young people (20.1% of males and 9.1% of females) behave in this way, mostly during moments of socialization.


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