Alcoholics, and sometimes even their families, tend to deny or minimize the problem.


People addicted to alcohol often do not admit that they have a problem and reject dialogue on this topic.Young people and families who need telephone advice on alcohol problems can contact the Alcohol Freephone at 800 632000 - Monday to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm.

The service is anonymous and free, managed by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

The CAM - Mauritian Alcological Center is active at the Mauritian Hospital in Turin.
Access is free upon reservation at 011/5082884The public alcohol services in the area deal with prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in the event of alcohol abuse and dependence.

For access to services, a request from a general practitioner is not required.
The services are free.

These services work with doctors, psychologists, nurses, social workers who put into practice therapeutic programs and interventions to help alcohol-dependent people and families, even within self-help groups.

The contacts of the Alcology Services can be found on Outpatient Clinics in Turin

It is also possible to contact the associations of former alcoholics:

  • ACAT - Association of Alcoholics Clubs in Treatment
  • Reception service: after an initial interview, refer people to the CAT - Club of Alcoholics in Treatment or other services.
  • It has self-help groups made up of alcoholics, their family members and volunteers
  • Alcoholics Anonymous - Piedmont Area
  • Self-help association made up of former alcoholics who help stop drinking
  • Association that operates within the initiatives of the Abele Group of Turin, to help and welcome alcoholic people and their families, to reduce abuse and change the lifestyle and enhance individual potential.

Alcohol, zero or as little as possible

  • information provided by the Ministry of Health
  • FAQ - Alcohol
  • questions and answers on alcohol by the Ministry of Health
  • Alcohol addiction
  • information sheet by the Piedmont Region
  • Alcohol framework law
  • Rules on the prohibition of the sale of alcohol to minors and in vending machines.

Alcohol, zero or as little as possibleDonini: “Let’s not let our guard down, we aim to strengthen the network of services”
Thanks to the pandemic, in the last two years the number of people assisted by the Regional Centers has decreased by more than a quarter, settling at 8,790 in 2021

Bologna, 7 April 2023 - Stop the excessive consumption of alcohol, it is forbidden to let your guard down. An appeal, addressed primarily to young people, which the Region, Local Health Authorities and professionals from the network of Pathological Addiction Services (SerDP) renew a few days before Alcohol Prevention Day 2022.

Event that falls on April 14 of each year, in the month dedicated around the world to initiatives to keep attention on the health risks deriving from the abuse of alcoholic beverages and to information campaigns on disease prevention and treatment activities related to it.


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