Alcoholism what it is and how to deal with it


Defined as a problematic use of alcohol, it can translate into a chronic pathological condition that causes an increase in tolerance, dependence and forms of abstinence by Editorial staff.

Alcoholism, defined as a problematic use of alcohol, can translate into a chronic pathological condition. Alcohol dependence causes an increase in tolerance, and can lead to forms of withdrawal.

  1. Alcoholism acts on a physical, psychological and mental level.
  2. In this article we will try to clarify the causes and consequences of alcohol abuse. We will cover alcohol addiction and possible therapies to deal with it.
  3. Try the psychological test

What is alcoholism?

Alcoholism, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), is the problematic use of alcohol. Alcoholism can translate into addiction and in the long run has a potentially fatal outcome.

Alcohol addiction causes the inability of those who suffer from it to manage the relationship with alcohol in a healthy way and to refrain from consuming it. The habit of drinking leads to the development of:

  • tolerance
  • dependence
  • abstinence (in case of inability to access the object of addiction)

Alcoholism: what are the symptoms

There are 11 symptoms of alcoholism. A person is addicted to alcohol when he has at least two of the 11 symptoms indicated by the DSM-5, which last for a period of at least one year.

The list of alcoholism symptoms associated with alcohol addiction includes:

  • a consumption of alcohol that exceeds in time and in quantity what are the intentions of the subject.
  • Alcoholism: what are the symptomsrepeated unsuccessful attempts to stop drinking or reduce quantities, in the face of a constant desire to consume alcohol.
  • inability to think of anything other than drinking.
  • craving, that is, an urgent and uncontrollable urge to take alcohol.
  • problems managing social relationships, work or school due to alcohol abuse and the consequences it entails (hangover for example).
  • inability to stop drinking despite this leads to ongoing social problems.
    renounces even important activities to be able to devote himself exclusively to the consumption of alcohol.
  • alcohol consumption even in situations where you can put your own safety or that of others at risk.
  • alcohol abuse even after the appearance of social or psychological disorders associated with the consumption of alcohol.
  • increase in the amount of alcohol consumed to achieve the desired effect, against an increase in alcohol tolerance.
  • typical withdrawal symptoms and behaviors aimed at combating withdrawal symptoms

Alcohol addiction: the test

The alcoholism test allows you to know independently if you are addicted to alcohol. The test, developed by the WHO, helps to understand if:

  • alcohol consumption is associated with a health risk factor
  • it is excessive
  • or corresponds to an alcohol addiction.


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