Damage to the heart


The most dangerous condition is alcoholic heart disease, in which there is a dilation of the heart cavities with a consequent reduction in range. A chronicization of this situation can lead to cardiomyopathy.

Often there is secondary arterial hypertension to the damage of alcohol on the nervous system which is responsible for controlling pressure which leads to an increased risk of developing stroke.

The psychological damage

As you can imagine, the alcoholic subject will tend to worry less and less about his own person, showing a progressive loss of judgment, memory damage, alteration of his personality and cognitive deterioration (also secondary to brain atrophy).

In some cases, it can also lead to the onset of psychotic problems such as delusions or hallucinations, remembering that, if there are already disturbances, there is the possibility that they may worsen

There is a long list of problems related to excessive alcohol consumption, for this reason it is advisable, where you realize you fall within these characteristics, to contact specialists in time who can help us to get out of them.

  • chronicle
  • Alcohol: the situation has not improved in the last 10 years
  • Cristina Da Rold March 29, 2024
  • Copy: Copy: almadiploma - Cristina da Rold - Il Sole 24 Ore
  • Infogram

The pandemic, in particular the lockdowns, have not exacerbated alcohol consumption among Italians. The latest report to Parliament on the interventions carried out pursuant to Law 30.3.2024 n. 125 “framework law on alcohol and alcohol related problems” shows that during 2020, the daily consumption of alcohol was stable compared to 2019, although consumption between meals continues to increase.

But it doesn’t mean that everything is fine. If we broaden our gaze to the last decade, we note that alcohol consumption has increased in many age groups, especially its abuse, in terms of the percentage of the population that uses it.

How did 2020 go

How did 2020 goAlcohol consumption is measured with different indicators: the alcoholic units consumed each day, the percentage of people who consume at least a certain amount of alcohol per period, and the percentage of people who have had episodes of abuse in the last year.

The Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ  (National Alcohol Observatory) has, for years now, built a summary indicator that combines two main risk behaviors: habitual consumption and binge drinking (drunkenness, to understand).

Men who have exceeded a daily consumption of two standard alcoholic units (AU), women and the elderly who have exceeded a daily consumption of one AU, and all persons who have practiced binge drinking at least once are considered at risk. over the past year.


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