Alcohol: because it can hurt. How much can I take


Alcohol: because it can hurt. How much can I take

  1. What is meant by alcoholic beverages
  2. How the alcoholic quantity is measured
  3. How much alcohol can I drink
  4. Pay attention to the times of the day
  5. Who shouldn’t drink alcohol
  6. Teenagers and alcohol
  7. False beliefs about alcohol

Alcohol abuse is condemned by the medical profession and food science, but despite this millions of people tend to abuse it. In particular, it seems that the various recommendations have no effect on Italian adolescents who increasingly use them. The reason for the condemnation of alcohol abuse is obvious as it can cause serious damage to health from both a physical and psychological point of view.

However, moderate consumption of wine or beer in adults can have favorable effects as both of these drinks contain good amounts of polyphenols which have a protective effect against chronic degenerative diseases, as long as the recommended doses are respected.

What is meant by alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverages consist for the most part of water and the remainder of ethyl alcohol (ethanol); a small amount is made up of other substances: aromas, dyes, antioxidants, etc. Ethanol is a substance that is not essential for the body, indeed for many reasons it is toxic. However, our body is able to withstand the intake of alcohol up to a certain dose which corresponds to moderate consumption.

How the alcoholic quantity is measured

How the alcoholic quantity is measured

The maximum recommended daily doses are 2-3 Alcoholic Units for men, 1-2 Alcoholic Units for women, 1 Alcoholic Unit for the elderly. One Alcoholic Unit (U.A.) corresponds to about 12 grams of alcohol; this quantity is contained in a small glass (125 ml) of medium strength wine, or in a can of beer (330 ml) of medium strength or in a bar dose (40 ml) of medium strength spirits.

How much alcohol can I drink

The amount that an individual can take, while remaining within the limits of safety for his health, depends on the concentration of alcohol in the blood which in turn is determined by many factors:

  • the amount ingested
  • by gender and weight of the person
  • the amount of body water
  • from the individual ability to metabolize alcohol
  • from alcohol habit.

Some people hold it well (they don’t get drunk easily) but this does not mean that excess alcohol does not hurt them too, on the contrary, since they hold it well they are prone to drink more and get hurt more, also running the risk. to become an alcoholic.

Women, having a lower weight, lower amounts of body water and lower efficiency of alcohol metabolization mechanisms, are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol, so it is recommended to take smaller doses than men.

In addition, it must be remembered that alcohol (ethanol) provides 7 calories per gram, which are added to those introduced with food.

It is therefore advisable to avoid spirits, which only provide ’empty’ calories with no health benefits, especially for those who tend to be overweight or already have a large waistline. It is a good rule to limit alcohol to only occasional consumption and in any case ‘compensate’ for excess calories with physical activity.

Let’s keep in mind that a 50-kilo woman running at a speed of about 8 km per hour consumes about 400 Kcal, the caloric amount contained in 4 glasses of 125 ml wine. A 75 kg man running with the same intensity will dispose of them in 30 minutes.

We therefore remember that, if we have already eaten the calories necessary for our energy expenditure, to dispose of a small glass of wine or a beer it takes some and it is not enough to take a walk as is often believed.


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