Rehabilitative treatment for alcoholism solutions


Alcoholism: Effects, Symptoms, Addiction and Treatment

  1. The first step in treating alcoholism is knowing how to recognize it. Let’s tackle the problem together.
  2. Its content in beverages is expressed through the number of alcoholic degrees (°) which represents the percentage by volume (% vol.) Of ethanol in the aqueous solution.

The effects of alcohol on the body are immediate.

As soon as the alcohol is absorbed by the intestinal tissues, it is transported by the blood to the brain, producing psychic alterations such as euphoria, the reduction of perceptions, a slowdown that causes the reaction times to dilate up to the reduction of the visual field. . For this reason it is forbidden, for example, to drive with a high alcohol level.

In addition to the immediate effects, the prolonged consumption of alcoholic substances can favor the development of various diseases, even very serious ones. Physical damage caused by alcohol are mainly liver cirrhosis, oral cancers and other forms of cancer, stroke, thrombosis.

In addition, there are indirect effects that have to do with the attitudes of the alcoholic individual. For example, violence, nervous breakdowns, aggression, the propensity to tell lies, depression, insomnia, anxiety and a whole series of psychic disorders related to alcoholism.

Alcohol is considered one of the most toxic substances because it is able to pass through cell membranes and damage the cells themselves.

What are the characteristics of alcohol addiction

Anyone who uses alcohol continuously even if the substance causes him social, work, mental or physical problems and is taken under risky conditions such as driving a vehicle is considered a problem drinker.

An alcoholic, on the other hand, is defined as someone who has lost the ability to control alcohol, which is taken despite the occurrence of negative consequences. The alcoholic therefore develops an addiction to alcohol which, in the most serious cases, becomes a physical addiction: in this case the person may suffer from the withdrawal syndrome.

What are the symptoms and signs to recognize an addiction

How to recognize an alcoholic? How to help an alcoholic and convince him to seek treatment? These are two of the questions we are asked most often when we begin to suspect that a family member has an addiction to alcohol. Recognizing an alcohol problem is not that easy.

  • What are the characteristics of alcohol addictionThe symptoms of alcoholism vary from one individual to another. In principle, similar situations can occur and, therefore, can be identified.
  • First of all, an alcoholic will find it difficult to recognize the problem and will tend to minimize the severity of the addiction, he will think he can stop when he wants, even alone. Many alcoholic patients have discovered that they have a chronic problem only after having suffered non-negligible physical repercussions.
  • If a family member or friend recognizes some of the typical symptoms such as: mood swings, difficulty concentrating, unreliability and distraction, episodes of malaise or suspicious attitudes that may result from alcohol abuse, they should first try to get them. awareness of the problem.
  • The next step is to change your approach and place yourself in the position of listening, attention and support. Only in this way can the individual with alcoholism be able to trust, persuade himself to be treated and follow the advice of contacting a center specialized in addiction treatment.

How to cure alcohol addiction

The treatment path within our center specializing in addiction treatments begins with a multidisciplinary assessment of the patient which is usually followed by mild drug treatments.

Our specialized doctors are available for internal and specialist consultations throughout the patient’s journey.

The rehabilitation phase then includes participation in work groups that are specific to the various professional contributions made: psychoeducational group, psychological support group, didactic-experiential group.

The consolidation phase provides for a maintenance pathway diluted in frequency and an orientation towards anonymous territorial groups (A.A., AL-ANON). At the end of the course, an outcome assessment and outpatient follow-up are carried out.


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