Welcome to the YRC Webpage!
This forum has been created for EUCLOCK PhD students and postdocs to share their experiences, questions and problems with scientists in the same career phase and field of interest. To make communications possible, a network of chronobiologists has been set up with the establishment of a Young Research Committee (YRC). Thereby young researchers from the wide spectrum of chronobiology research can gather on the internet and have the possibility to meet once a year personally in our EUCLOCK annual meeting.
You are welcome to join us and support us by increasing the interaction between YRC members. We would be pleased to receive keen interest,
on behalf of the YRC committee
Sabrina Wendt
The current EUCLOCK Young Researcher Committee are:
Sabrina Wendt, Charit? Berlin, spokesperson ([email protected])
Dirk Rieger, University of Würzburg ([email protected])
Thijs Houben, University of Leiden ([email protected])

Dirk Rieger, Sabrina Wendt, Thijs Houben at the 3rd EUCLOCK Annual Meeting
Former YoungResearchCommittee members:
2008 Karla Viviani Allebrandt (LMU Munich, spokesperson), Dirk Rieger (University of Regensburg), Sabrina Wendt (Charit? Berlin)
2007 Karla Viviani Allebrandt (LMU Munich, spokesperson), Dirk Rieger (University of Regensburg), Serhiy Sosniyenko (Academy of Science of Czech Rep.), Marc Gilbertas (INSERM, Bron)
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